Back in the Dales
Jen was working from home this morning so I watched the mixed sprint triathlon relay which was very exciting, then I finished the bit of weeding I began yesterday until the rain returned. Come lunchtime, Jen made me a sandwich then we were off to Motherwell for my train. The journey was straightforward, I didn't have anyone sitting next to me till Garsdale on the second train from Carlisle to Bingley., so I could spread out and be comfortable.
Not a terribly good blip, taken from the train, the low cloud hanging on the Fell. The train was a couple of minutes late in to Bingley so I bombed through the station in the hope of catching the bus home, to be met by the dour Yorkshire driver saying, 'You didn't need to run, there's a couple of minutes yet..'
Back home I've put in a load of washing; defrosted some veggie chilli; watered the greenhouse plants and the garden. Thank you to neighbour Michelle who has done an excellent job of keeping the pots watered.
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