Life is a Challenge!

By Honeycombebeach


…to having eye surgery!

Mr. HCB, despite having been retired for many years, still wakes up very early most mornings.  Today, for instance, he was out of bed by 5.45 and out in the garden watering the plants by 6 o’clock.  However, once again, he told me when I got up eventually, that we are desperate for rain, as the water butts are almost empty.

When he gets up, he carefully shuts the bedroom door and leaves me to sleep, which is really kind of him.  I generally get up around 8 o’clock but this morning I was just lying in bed and thinking about what I would be doing today. 

We saw in the local paper last night that a lady who used to come to our previous church had died and her funeral is today, so I decided that I would go over and pay my respects.  I often used to visit her - but not recently because of my recent eye surgery - and we would chat about old times, as she and her husband worked in the same Solicitors’ office as me and we had many stories to share.

After that musing, I thought it was time to get up and just happened to glance up towards the top of our fitted wardrobes - and was shocked to see this huge cobweb, which I had never spotted before.  I guess that is the downside to having eye surgery - as prior to this, I was so short-sighted that I wouldn’t have seen anything like this without glasses!

That means I have another job - to take EVERYTHING out of the wardrobes and have a good declutter at the same time.  Mr. HCB and I have had a chat this morning and he tells me he needs some new jumpers and I need lots of new clothes, having lost almost 2 stone now, so it will be a good opportunity to sort things out and take several bags to DEBRA, our favourite charity shop.  Oh, and I guess I should remove the cobweb - it’s a good job I’m not frightened of spiders - well not small ones anyway!

I read, courtesy of Mr. Google that “cobwebs are vacant “homes” spiders have abandoned to move on to greener pastures” so guess I may find more as I clear out the wardrobes.  

Another website said “As cobwebs multiply and spread they can obscure the beauty of your home and give the impression of neglect”.  Oh dear, I do hope that visitors won’t think my home is neglected, although - and I don’t like to say it - men don’t seem to see the same things as we women do!  However, I think I will now be looking upwards in all the corners of the house and will need to get my Dyson working to remove them. 

We are still waiting for rain - the sky is quite grey today, and looking at the Weather App on my phone, there is some due at 3 o’clock tomorrow morning - however, Wednesday looks as if it will be dry for Mr. HCB’s cricket match - I do hope so.

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