Hello Lovely Blippers,

We were very upset when we woke up this morning to find it was hammering down with rain, so we were very disappointed, because we were hoping to go out and play in the HCBs’ garden.  

Mrs. HCB didn’t wake up until after 9.30, so once the bedrooms curtains were drawn, we jumped up onto the windowsill to look out, hoping the sun would be shining, but were dismayed to find it was still raining very hard. 

Mr. HCB is upset because he can’t go out into the garden to do any work and there isn’t even any cricket on the television, except for some from Sri Lanka, which he says he isn’t really enjoying but I’m sure he will find something to do - he has lots of jigsaws to choose from - so perhaps we could help him with one of those.  In fact, we can hear him tipping all the pieces out, so we will go and see what he's up to.

It’s a shame that it’s a damp, dreary and dismal day for us - it's not really silly more annoying, but we hope that wherever you are, the weather isn’t quite so bad.  Of course, it is the first Saturday in August, so we were hoping to do something special, but we will still remember Admirer, the one who started Silly Saturday.

Take care and sending love from us all,
The Silly Saturday Gang xxx 

P.S. Mrs. HCB apologises for not doing much commenting, but says she is very grateful for all your good wishes.  She says this is just another small “blip” and hopefully, she will be back before long.  Mr. HCB has vacuumed the whole house this morning, so at least there is a bonus to having lots of rain!

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