The Way I See Things



That moment when you find you've bitten off a bit more than you can comfortably chew, and swallowing your latest victim becomes a full body commitment. Or alternatively, when you decide to save time in your busy schedule by multitasking lunch and Pilates - but either way, there was some pretty impressive core work on display here. I feared when I first saw him that he  might actually be injured, but as soon as he'd finished eating he went back to a more normal conformation.

R and I went to Stratford this morning, for strolling, errands, and coffee, and  began the trip with a few minutes at Lucy's Mill so I could check who was out and about. As it was fairly overcast the answer was not much, the light being sub-prime for dragonfly hunting, but there are still scores of Banded Demoiselles around, including a few who look to be reaching the ends of their lives, and some that were very fresh indeed.

Back at home I walked over to the village pond, in search of an Emperor I thought I spotted there when I was out with the Boy Wonder the other day, but even if I was correct there was no sign of him this afternoon. On the plus side, the old male Broad-bodied Chaser is still going strong, which is pretty good for the beginning of August.

R: C4.

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