Kaybees Bits

By Kaybee

Plant Sale

We nipped out the the zoo this morning for their annual plant sale.
It wasn't their best (maybe yesterday was better) but I did get a couple of small fancy grasses (no idea how big they should grow or in what kind of ground due to a lack of labels) and some Violas.

On the way home we stopped of at The Centre (spit!) as SWMBO had seen some item of clothing on-line and she wanted to try it on at their shop. I sat outside and took pictures (not what I was after - but Hey Ho!).
It turns out that what SWMBO wanted to try on isn't available in the shops .... but you can order it on-line and if it doesn't fit, send it back .... at a cost! That is a lost sale.

After a coffee back at home I went and did a spot of weeding and planting. The grasses didn't go where I wanted though .... too many roots.

I think that the police senior officers need to grow a pair and get the boys actually use their training with batons and shields at the riots that are taking place .... backing away from somebody try to kick or punch them is never going to stop them. If these d*ckheads want to play rough then let the boys in blue play rough in return.

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