
By pandammonium

There’s Penshaw Monument!

The cupcakes went down well at parkrun.

The friend they were for had two, and took two more home. One person assumed they couldn’t have any because they’d contain dairy; her face when I told her no dairy! I told one lad beforehand that he could have them; I don’t know if he had any or not, but I’m glad he knew he could.

I’d seen on Facebook that there was a drawing workshop for adults starting not long after I usually get back from parkrun; a friend had shared it. I dithered over whether to go or not; I did in the end, although I was late.

We had to create something inspired by the artwork on a book, dvd or album cover. I chose Monument. I was going to draw Penshaw Monument, but then I thought why not create something in three dimensions? So I did.

I didn’t do it well, but I like it, and I had fun doing it while having a lovely chat with the other people there. I was glad I went. Next time, the inspiration is maps. I love a map.

In the afternoon, Mr Pandammonium went for one of his five-mile training walks. I went with him. So speedy! I was puffed out, but I did it without slowing him down too much.

Later on, I made some more chocolate cupcakes. I couldn’t find the food colouring, so I couldn’t make them orange, but I could make them taste orangy. So that’s what I did. They’re for tomorrow.

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