
By cindy_ellis

The DQ tremble

Grammy and BIL came to my rescue today. It's been the hottest streak we have had in a long time and our AC quit before we went to the farm in July. We had to order it to fit a specific space and it finally arrived. They came to help with the install. We got the job done before the evening rain. The house is nice and cool once again. We took the old unit to the county landfill where you can dispose of white goods at no charge, Sugar rode along. Hubby surprised us with a trip to DQ for a pup cup and Blizzards! She knows when we pull into the DQ parking lot and starts to tremble and stare at the building until Hubby returns with the goods! See extra. Perfect treat for such a hot day. We made stuffed peppers from the garden for dinner...delish
Many thanks for your visits and gifts!

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