Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Jugglers everywhere!

I popped into town to deposit my windfall cheque this morning. Yes, JR went in to do just this yesterday, after having checked if the bank was open on a Friday afternoon. Yes it was, said Google. No it wasn’t said the CLOSED sign on the door.

Also had a brief (literally- I like their knickers) look in M&S, but didn’t buy anything. Got lost trying to get out. Went across the road to the big performance area outside the galleries. Maybe there was something good on… Nope. One chap was just setting up, taking ages, but telling his life story to try and keep the small crowd from wandering off. Lots of pathetic jokes, which the man beside me found hilarious. I gave up before he got started juggling.

I moved to the next, bigger crowd. The chap,was balancing on a piece of tolling pipe, holding two knives in one hand and a flaming torch in the other. He was reaching the big climax, but kept going on and on and ON, requesting that everyone give him money. Suggesting (seriously, I think) £20 for a family!! At last he did his final trick, I took a photo, and scuttled off. But I must remember to bring some change next time I’m in town. Sometimes people are worth giving money to, especially if I take a photo.

JR and Zoe popped up to local church for a concert. The woman singing was an ex-colleague. I declined the invite, and went down for an ice cream instead. Then watched the Games: fantastic shots of the cycling through Paris streets, table tennis, dressage, gymnastics, sailing.

Archie was out with Elizabeth, so he was happy.

I need to give my eyes a good RUB. But I can’t…

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