Seeing Beyond Looking

By SandraSuisse

Tickled Pink

Early morning marketing downtown with my shopping caddie. It's the perfect time of the day because there are less people. I took this shot from the terrace of an outside café. This place is renowned to have the best croissants in town! Have I tasted them in the past: Yes! But not today, just a peppermint tea waiting for a shop to open at 9 am. to purchase some excellent quality olive oil! I did some sampling first and learnt that I prefer the 'florale' taste rather than the 'végétale' one (which is stronger and more peppery, with a little bite in your throat as you swallow it!)

I was amused by the splashes of pink here and there in this narrow street!

I sat next to a young woman with an adorable puppy, a Belgian Shepherd who, to my delight, just wanted to play!

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