Life is a Challenge!

By Honeycombebeach


Hello lovely Blippers, 

You won’t believe this, but the three of us are “home alone”!!

There was a big discussion last night within the Silly Saturday Gang as to what we could do today.

Some of us wanted to stay at home but lots wanted to go to the seaside. So we decided to do the sensible thing and have a vote.

I was amazed to find that most people voted to go but Syd said he didn’t want to go because he was worried that at the seaside people might want to ride on him on the beach, which he said would be silly because he’s too old to give rides to people now!  Also, although Hoggy and Spiky wanted to go, they thought that Porlock, their new baby hedgehog might catch the sun too much so decided that he had better stay at home. 

So here we all are – the three of us – enjoying being in the HCB’s garden - and it’s already quite warm so I’ve taken my hat off! 

But fancy having to drive for two hours to the seaside, spending a few hours in the hot sun and then two hours driving back – now that would be silly!  

We think that dear Admirer would think that we were better off doing what we’re doing. 

Hope you are all remembering to BE KIND – Mrs. HCB saw a lovely definition of KINDNESS this week: 

Loaning someone your strength instead of reminding them of their weakness.

How true is that?  Have a great day and if you do go out in the sunshine, remember to put on your hat and your suncream. 

Love from Leighton, Syd and Porlock xxx

P.S.  Poor Mr. HCB still had to water the plants this morning because we still haven’t had much rain “in these ere parts”!

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