Light entertainment

By annejohn

Organ music

There are a whole series of free lunchtime music concerts at St Mary's in the West End this month, starting at 1.00 pm Concerts . 

Today was an organ recital, played by Charles Wooler.
Mendelssohn, Sonata in A major
Vierne, Sixieme Symphonie pour Orge

My first time listening to the organ in St Mary's; sat in the choir stalls; the desk is to the right of the pipes so the organist is visible from the choir. The Mendelssohn was familiar; the Vierne much less so; there was a system to the music, but also a cacophonous noise .. 

From there to a meeting at the Canopy at EFI with a visitor who was on the lighting crew for the Opening Event for the main Festival; she's just graduated from Liverpool from a degree in set design, costume and lighting and is looking for a full time job. There was a power failure as we were leaving, and the restaurant doors fail closed .. 

Back across the city through the crowds on George IV bridge. Didn't actually get rained on other than a spit or two, though the morning sunshine vanished behind threatening cloud and a brisk West wind. 

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