Grumpy Old Man

By Maurice1948

Castles in the rain

What a difference the weather's been today compared with yesterday! Again, we woke to rain, but this time it lasted all day!  I got on with photographs and other indoor stuff this morning, hoping that the sun would come out for two more guided garden walks at Dunollie this afternoon!

It was raining lightly when I left to be in time for my 2pm walk, for which only two people had booked. They did turn up, but said they'd changed their mind as by this time the rain was bucketing down! They agreed to return for the 3.30 walk for which about eight people had booked, so in the meantime I spent a very pleasant afternoon listening to a talk about archeology in Argyll's castles. There are 66 castles in Argyll, of which only 13 have been excavated. The noise of the rain over the marquee was deafening!

No one else wanted to get soaked at 3.30, so the couple I'd spoken to earlier agreed to return tomorrow for my last walk at 2pm. The forecast is for sunshine and showers, with an 80% chance of rain! Not over promising!

My Blip today was snapped from the car window on the Esplanade - no further comment required! When I got home I found that Rosie had found the only place outside where she could escape the rain - my extra today!

Quote of the Day: 'The best thing one can do when it's raining is to let it rain.' -  Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.

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