
By Diarised

Positive Potato

We headed home from Portsmouth just after lunch.  It was another scorcher of a day!  We had breakfast watching the boats and ferries tootle by and then fitted in a last game of crazy golf and several rounds of pool.

We made pretty good time and were home around 5:30.  Leo and I watched a bit of Olympics action and now I am ready for a good night’s sleep.

Ian came back with a present haul from his colleagues wishing him well as his contract with them ended.  It included this positive potato with a great message.It is looking like he will get next week off for a rest before starting his new role.  

I am hoping it cools down soon so it is more pleasant getting out and about.  I am never happy in warm, let alone hot weather.  I always prefer it on the chillier and breezier side.

I was hoping for a good old storm to clear the air but all we got was a handful of raindrops as we headed through Wiltshire. It does look like more cloud than sun tomorrow so maybe that will be ok and I can get out for some steps.  

Blip tells me this is my 4000th blip.  So thanks all for your blip company, pics and tales.

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