That Will Do!

By flumgummery

Fun With Flumlet

This week's fun was home-based, exploring different crafts.
First off: tie dying, making a sunburst pattern on one side of a tote bag in four shades of blue. Currently 'curing' wrapped in plastic, we won't see the results until next week. A word of warning, though; when shaking the bottle to dissolve the dye powder, do ensure that the nozzle is closed or you may be demonstrating your inner Jackson Pollock. 

Next: we made the sand picture from the selection of eight coloured sands from Alum Bay on the Isle of Wight; this proved far more interesting than anticipated and we had as much sand left over to repeat the process in a different order.

Lastly: we got out the glue gun and made a wreath from a collection of cones from Giant Redwood (Sequoiadendron gigantium). These came from various Flum outings as we do look out for these majestic trees. We can add decoration sometime between now and Christmas.

So that was our busy day, interspersed with some Minecraft viewing, magnet fishing and beanbag throwing or whatever he got up to when I wasn't looking.

After delivering him home we came to Miss Flum's to hear all about her holiday and...(drum roll)...she showed me how to make a collage on the phone, which will save the laborious process of downloading to the pc and working from there. So here it is! 

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