Extra Ordinary

By PhilippaJ

Triple swim day

First one impromptu with Rosie before work. It was so beautifully gorgeous I went in my shorts and bra (decided my knickers weren't up for public viewing). Walked home dripping wet, it was so wonderfully worth it.

Lunch time lengths at the swimming pool, for once the outside pool is packed- doesn't happen v often!

Then into this beautiful sea for an evening swim. Emma and I have talked about swimming out to the buoy before - it's off the end of the pier. It was so lovely, we set off. Got a long way out but the high tide current pushed us too far to the side so we came back to shore. We need a lower tide!

Home for some fine Olympic telly. My favourite was Andy Murray and Dan Evan jumping and skipping for joy when they won their match- love em.

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