
By KathyH58


The male hummingbird stayed at the feeder long enough for me to get a photo.
I added a photo of one of the cardinal babies in the extras.
The birds have been gobbling down all the food that I put out for them, and I have put food out twice a day both yesterday and today. Blue jays, grackles, morning doves, chickadees, a couple of crows, a junco, a couple of song sparrows and the northern flicker visited the deck today. The squirrel is a regular visitor too.
This evening one blue jay and the northern flicker sat near each other on the deck for almost 10 minutes. I didn't see any predators around, but the neighbor's cat could have been down on the ground. It was starting to get dark, so I didn't try to get a photo of them together.
There was rain in the forecast for today, fortunately it held off till about 11:30. We had been edging some garden beds and had mulch to spread on them. We only had about 4 wheelbarrow loads left when the rain started. Some of us grabbed our rain coats, the others got wet. I didn't have anything else in the area scheduled for the afternoon so it was a short day. It gave me a chance to come home and get caught up on paperwork. I also picked up some of the materials needed for tomorrow's job.
It cleared off around 4 pm this afternoon, but the fog has rolled back in now.

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