
By maureen6002


The plant that is - not our relationship! It’s our anniversary today. 46 years together - well 52 counting our ‘courtship’. 

It’s a very understated celebration. Our weekend guests are still with us for breakfast - a bonus of extra time with Lili. Barbara and George are staying until Friday and Barbara makes us her famous fish pie for our meal tonight. 

We eat outside for the third evening in a row with affogato following the main event - and the fish pie is as delicious as we’d hoped. But I’m very weary, and don’t even have the energy to open a bottle of champagne; that can wait for another time. 

Again, we forget to take photographs - and I’m really not up to posing anyway. It matters not as the potted cactus provides an ideal blip for a ‘spiky’ Mono Monday - with thanks to JacZero for hosting. 

There’s an extra mono of Lili and Daniel taken pre-breakfast this morning. 

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