
By Arachne

Substitute hammock

I've been making myself take breaks from the garden work by coming indoors and reading a chapter or so at a time. A couple of days ago I saw that our local book-exchange cupboard, which rotted and fell apart last year, has been replaced, and I borrowed Ian McEwan's Sweet Tooth. Now that I've finished it and read the reviews I see that I am in a tiny minority in really enjoying it. I'll put it back in the cupboard and hope that someone else enjoys it.

I really don't need to borrow books - I have hundreds that I haven't read on my own shelves. I must read some of them then put them in the cupboard for others.


Three weeks ago I booked a phone appointment with my GP for 'late morning' today. When he hadn't called by 12:30 I checked the app and saw that it was now down for 2:40. His call finally came at 5:55. I have worked in jobs where it was impossible to get round to doing what was in my diary and I really feel for over-stretched health professionals (and teachers, social workers, probation officers...)

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