Living my dream

By Mima

...and wet.

A lot of rain fell overnight, most if which I heard: partly because the new cabin has a noisy tin roof; and partly because it was accompanied by a howling southerly which actually made the cabin tremble in the gustier gusts.

So I am tired today. I've lay down and snoozed occasionally (which is nothing to do with my back now, which has completely eased once more). 

The rain has turned into hail from time to time and the temperature is hovering around 4C. 

I am not exactly tempted to go outside. And Bean has pressed herself down into her bed and averted her eyes to make herself invisible whenever I have suggested she might like to go out for a pee. She is an excellent communicator.

She has been out once - reluctantly - and did the biggest pee known to man dog, before racing for the warmth of the truck again. She had been saving up.

I am using my time wisely, making a Wensleydale cheese and watching episodes of Star Trek Picard. 

Who could ask for much more on a day like this?

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