Living my dream

By Mima

Gloomy weather

The promised torrential rain hasn't happened, although it has been falling lightly intermittently all day, out of very low clouds. Even the tops of the macrocarpa trees around Chez Mima are shrouded today.

So after an early walk Bean and I have been enjoying the warmth of the kitchen. Veggies (skirret, parsnip, spuds, carrots, onions and garlic) were roast first thing and now have been made into soup. 

The surplus skirret has been washed (see extra) and I'll roast it for supper (to accompany lasagne and broad beans).

I tweaked my back slightly yesterday when I forgot to bend my knees as I stooped to come out of the hen run. It's not bad, but it is a reminder. And as a result I've been lying down a bit more than of late. It's just as well the weather is conducive to doing very little!

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