
By Tryfan46

Thomas Guthrie DD

A very enjoyable day in Edinburgh. A walk around Threipmuir and Harlaw reservoirs preceded a celebratory lunch at Mowgli’s Street Food restaurant in Hannover Street. It was the first opportunity for us to mark David’s 70th birthday earlier in the year.

Today is also our joint wedding anniversaries; Barbara and David’s 46th and our 22nd so lunch was also to mark the occasion.

The food was very good indeed. We had 5 small plates each accompanied with rice and coleslaw. I may even have to borrow the Mowgli’s cookbooks from the library. I would suspect the prices of this “street food” in Edinburgh wouldn’t go down too well with people on the city streets of the Indian subcontinent.

The only downside was the unrelenting hardness of the seating and the usual problem of food getting cold before we were able to finish.

From there we hot footed it over to meet blipper Lady Findhorn at a Soderberg cafe near the Meadows. I’d spoken to her for all of 20 seconds in May on the slipway at the Ness at Stromness on Orkney. Today was the first opportunity to catch up with her.

And what a wonderful couple of hours we spent in her company talking about all manner of topics from blip to family and all stations in between. We agreed to reconvene at the end of the year for further discussions. You can see the rogues gallery on today’s blip from Lady Findhorn’s:

Reluctantly, we had to leave for an appointment with a pint with Barbara and David at the Kennilworth on Rose Street which brought a rather fabulous day to a fitting conclusion.

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