
Up and out after an alfresco breakfast, down to the south of the island and then back up the west side for a trip to Scalpsie Bay. A lovely sunny day with cracking views over to Arran altho' we did have to share the beach with four other people. An outrage! Walked along the beach to the rockier part at the northern end where a local seal colony is known to hang out. They were hanging out indeed, about seven or eight whilst we were there, although from what we'd read there are often a lot more. No matter, no disappointment at the numbers in the slightest, for we had binoculars and wide-eyed wonder on our side.

Came home to watch the tennis and although I'm quite a fan I was convinced that the third set was going 'the other way' so when my youngest asked to go for a little walk to a nearby sandy bay for a paddle I said I'd go with her, fresh air, nice day and all that. So, I missed the end of what I was told by the other half of my family was 'awesome, completely awesome' and vowed to stay awake for the highlights later. Which I managed, even after the strength-sapping exertions of a barbecue and accompanying alcohol. And it was awesome, a bit late to the party I know one week on but, that Andy, he can play a bit can't he...well done him.

Music. Tennis. Combo.

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