
Right, back-blipping of the last week's holiday starts here and I will be including various bits of information about places, wildlife, etc mainly so that I can remember it all next year when I look back at these journal pages. If you want to read then feel free, may only be of interest if you're into beaches, tales of cold swimming, seals, oystercatchers and the like.

So, an hour and a half in the car to Wemyss Bay and then then the half-hour ferry crossing over to Bute. Turn left out the ferry terminal and go along the one main A-road on the island for a couple of miles and there's our cottage for the week, all white and sparkling in the sun, the only one on the seaward side of the road. It's lovely, and the views are spectacular.

Quick scramble down the rocks to the little beach below us and out came the drawing materials. I'm no artist, but I do like to sit and do a bit of sketching now and again. A motley collection of the girls' pencils and a wodge of A4 printer paper, makeshift drawing boards from old table mats and clothes' pegs. The output is pretty irrelevant, it's all about the process. And having the time.

Tea in the garden (determined to have as many meals outdoors as possible this week), a bit more drawing, a beer or two, lots of staring out to sea and then all of us getting quite excited when the local seal decided to put in an appearance, bobbing around just offshore for fifteen minutes or so. I think we're going to be alright here, I really do.

Bit of music to close. I listened to nowt all day, too busy with all the outdoors stuff. So, apropos of nothing, have a song about the sea.

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