Wound up in Wexford

By Neatwithice

Purple angelica

We woke to rain, and although the weather has improved through the day, we couldn't summon up the energy to get outside, and have had an indoor day.  W has had a busy day in the kitchen - hummus, flatbreads, and lentil mix for his version of shepherd's pie.  The hummus was more than half consumed at lunch time, with some flatbreads and some crudités.  The rest of the flatbreads are in the freezer.  Some of the lentil pie mix was used for dinner, the rest will go in the freezer when it's adequately cooled.

I had a session on the exercise bike this morning, and have spent the afternoon trying to set up my new phone - largely successfully, but struggling with my BOI banking app.

Nice red sky this evening tempted me out to take some photos, some of the sky, but also the plants, including this purple angelica.  I'm not sure if this is a perennial or biennial - we'll have to wait and see if it comes back next year.

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