
By davidc

A Day in London (Backblip)

Following the amazing Springsteen concert on Thursday evening, I had a day to fill in London on Friday as I was booked on the 6.30pm train home (which actually didn't set off until 7pm - not a problem and the bonus was that it was just over 30 minutes late into Newcastle meaning I'll get half my fare back for that leg of my travels!).

I spent an enjoyable couple of hours over morning coffee with an old friend from my time as a Council member of the Royal College of Ophthalmologists. Following a quick lunch sandwich in the sunshine in Regents Park I then headed off to the Science Museum - one of my favourite haunts in London. It's a while since I've had a proper look round the Flight section and that always interests me so I spent a happy hour there.

The weather was too nice to spend all afternoon indoors so I then took a tube to the South Bank and wandered along taking photos. Apart from my phone, in order to travel light this trip I'd only taken my little EM10 camera with a "pancake" 2x zoom lens so it cramped my style a little, but I enjoyed watching and photographing some talented lads at the skateboard zone (main blip). The extra is a slightly unusual angle on the Houses of Parliament taken from under Waterloo Bridge.

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