W-I-D-E on Wednesday: Sunrise

Bobsblips's chosen Widwed theme ("Sunrise/Sunset") set me a challenge today: I wasn't awake at sparrow's fart for sunrise and judging by the weather forecast there won't be much of a sunset. However we wanted a walk this morning and my Editor suggested that we go to one of our favourite local haunts - the Rising Sun Country Park. So here's a W-I-D-E quadtych showing three of the signs for the park along with the rocky sunrise sculpture beside the cafe (yes we did have coffee and a scone - that's compulsory really!)

(Confession: I was enjoying my scone & coffee so much at the cafe that I completely forgot to take the planned photo of the sculpture, so that bit of the quadtych was "stolen" from a blip from 4 years ago. However the sun really was shining as we sipped our coffee so that aspect of it is true - and the other 3 photos were all taken today so I hope that makes it OK!)

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