Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Things of Beauty

More and more butterflies are showing up in the garden now, later than usual but so very welcome.  This is a nearly perfect Giant Swallowtail (Papilio cresphontes) and it is North America's largest butterfly.  The underwing looks very similar to that of our Eastern Tiger Swallowtail (See blip HERE), but the overwing is black with a distinctive yellow X mark on it.  

I went to the vet this morning to pick up Phoebe's ashes.  I managed not to burst into tears when the women who work behind the counter offered their condolences. But when I got home and opened the card that the company who does the cremations included and found that it had a cellophane packet of Phoebe's beautiful fur, I completely lost it.  And I've been pretty much a bucket of emotions since then.  My poor Hubs couldn't even look at it.  But you know what?  I am happy to have this little piece of her to keep close.  

Anyway, it is another hard day.  I am sure tomorrow will be better.  I know this isn't a straight path - it never has been before so this time isn't going to be any different.  And I still would not trade the wonderful years with her for this time of sadness now.  I have had quite a few pets (mostly cats) over my adult life and I would not trade any of them, no matter how much it hurts when they leave us.  

I think one box of wrens has fledged although I will wait a few more days to open the box.  Meanwhile, Papa Bluebird is still single-handedly feeding his brood and the last box of wrens are getting some feathers and have opened their eyes.  Life continues.  


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