Kingfisher #68
On our way home we popped into The Spinnies again to see if the kingfisher was about again and we were in luck. Almost immediately he appeared in the willow at the side of the lagoon - a tad far for decent shots. But luckily he moved much closer, and perched on a stick right in front of the hide - how very obliging. He did one dive, missed out on a fish and then flew off again.
We decided to move on to check out the Silver studded blues on the Great Orme as I'd never seen them - my goodness they are TINY - I've put a couple of shots in extras as I wanted it in my journal.
We then did a quick run around RSPB Conwy - nothing particularly our of the ordinary - then headed home.
Now watching the Opening Ceremony for the Olympics - can't wait for the action to begin tomorrow. Come on Team GB!
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