Just the Withers......

By JaneW

Athletics club

Monday night is my last training session before the competition Wednesday evening in Redditch … it’ll be my first EVER competition. I’m getting quite excited . My England athletic number is now reactivated and I’m registered for our club … Stratford upon Avon .
I’m off to see Marty Feldman tomorrow late afternoon and I can stay until 8pm to miss the worst traffic coming out on the A40 then M40 . You know what Friday night traffic’s like out of a city especially London .
She’s still making strange garbled noises when she gets tired and again I say she was like that most of the time anyway. ;-))
Tomorrow’s blip should be good !!!

Edited to add … blip is a tiny portion of the Masters athletes who will also be at Redditch Wednesday night , we all do different things x

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