Just the Withers......

By JaneW

Barbie pink …

We throughly enjoyed the new Barbie film , it’s not a children’s film , certificate 12A . It would be easy for people to mock or dismiss it but I’d probably think quietly to myself ‘I don’t think you even listened to the dialogue’ …. You see there were some seriously decent messages conveyed in that film , it was weird and very quirky but ultimately I thought it was well written AND it made us laugh. Obviously that’s just three women in our mid fifties with Alice dressed as a goth Barbie delivering our critique.
Talking of Alice she’s been in ANOTHER film for act for autism, bear in mind the last two have won awards , she’s doing really really well , the only thing that has phased her this year is she’s had to sit 3 exams, she didn’t answer many questions but she did sit there and that’s a HUGE deal and I said to her that you never know you may have really hit the spot with what you did answer, that seemed to make her laugh .

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