
By H22

Place: Largo, FL 75/94
Main activity: Thurs - web work, pool, more pancakes
Notes: Woke early and back to bed a few times, rested a bit and maybe dozed some. Worked all morning on the website for Lightwave Quantum Wellness (Carlene & Asa) ... frustratingly slow, tedious and a really bad system (Tekmatix - wouldn't recommend them for any part of site design & development). Finally had to take a break near 1p and went to the pool - somehow seemed hotter than ever and couldn't stay long. Beautiful colors and patterns in the water tho! Made another batch of carnivore pancakes early afternoon and had with a fried egg and the leftover ground beef and some turkey bacon from yesterday. Also had some strawberries (from frozen) w/ the raw yogurt and made another batch of cinnamon whipped cream. More work until I was shut out of the website - the upgrade payment failed (new card, foreign country). Watched some vids and another heavy rain storm came in around 4p. Shower and then watched some JC & Janine vids. Streamed shows in the evening after watching another in the Drunvalo Melchizedek Earth/Sky/Heart series.

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