Grumpy Old Man

By Maurice1948

To plant, or not to plant . . . . .

 . . . . . that is the question!

I bought seeds of this Chinese bamboo, Phyllostachys edulis (pubescens) some years ago on eBay and brought the pot with me when I moved to Oban. It's the largest and perhaps the most ornamentally attractive of the temperate bamboos - in the wild it can grow to 90ft with canes up to 7" in diameter! Nice thing for the front garden!

Some sites say it's invasive, others that it's not invasive in cool temperate climates, and others don't mention its growth habit, but say that it's not very good in pots. I suspect that it's probably capable of spreading in warmer places, but less so in cooler ones. It's said to be hardy down to at least -15 degrees.  I don't think I'll plant it in my garden, but I'm wondering whether to donate it to Dunollie! It would require serious thought and much discussion beforehand!

A rather dull and wettish day today, though by 4pm it had stopped raining and it was warm enough to sit outside with a cuppa and a book - in this case, 'Mudlarking', by Lara Maiklem.  Very interesting! If I lived in London I would definitely take up mudlarking. Millions of amazing finds every year along the tidal Thames!

In between I've been planning garden walks for Dunollie. Nest week is their Clan Gathering and I've had my arm twisted (gently) to lead seven hour-long garden walks - I must be mad! So I've been planning the route and jotting down plants I want to point out.  Guess where my Blips will be from next week!

My extra today is of a seedling buddleja which has come up in the gravel beside the drive.  I have several different buddlejas so wanted to see it flower before I pulled it out.  Not sure - the flower is broader and looser than some, but probably not distinctive enough to keep.

Quote of the Day: 'If you have to be persuaded about something, you shouldn't do it.' - Danny Boyle.

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