
By Livresse

Lewis - Day 3

Our second rowing day was quite leisurely. Unfortunately we lost a few people - a couple of members of Reevik, a Shetland Yoal based in Kinghorn, were unwell, so most of the crew had to leave as well, though we managed to fit a couple in other boats. 
We left Cnip and rowed across to the island of Pabaigh. There we dump all the bags and water on the beach. This is where we'll camp tonight, but before then, there is some exploring to do. We rowed up the islands sheltered east side to a beautiful lagoon between the larger and smaller Pabaigh islands - the island has many arches and caves. Then we continued all the way round the island, exploring a couple of caves on the way and stopping regularly to fish for our supper. I was in a different boat  - just for a change and the chance to experience different boats and crews and I was with the person who organises the trip. He and a fellow crew members are keen fisherman/woman and managed to catch a lot of mackerel as well as a gurnard (extra) which was released. 
The forecast for the night was not good and it was getting really windy so we all pitched out tents away from the beach. By the time we had lugged all the boats up the beach, carried the water containers to the overnight camp, and dug and build the toilet tent, the mackerel had been prepared and barbecued to perfection in an old ruin. The weather held off while we shared the fish, as well as a bit of wine and whisky. Then, the skipper of the sailing boat, a professional storyteller and author, regaled us with a few stories, and a pair of big eagles circled above. 
Finally, the rain and wind shooed us back to our tent for a wet and windy night. 

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