Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

Wild flowers and butterflies

Once again we awoke to low clouds and dampish conditions, but by 10am it gets really warm so you can get fooled into thinking you need to dress warmer than you actually need to. This morning we had plans to play golf with some friends, so Gavin took Xena out for an early morning walk and we were then ready to get to the golf course by 10am. I was a bit nervous playing with these friends as I don't really have the confidence to play with other people yet, but it went well, I had some really good shots in addition to some really duff shots, but it was not the disaster I thought it would be. It got hot playing golf so I was glad I wore golf shorts instead of long trousers but the problem with that is the exposure to bites from horse flies...they must find me tasty as I have so many bites already and they seem to bite through clothing too.

In the extras you can see one of the 'crazy' holes. You drive off from the ladies red markers and then try to direct your ball between those two barns, and then have to hit uphill to the green that is at the top of the next incline around the corner, you cannot even see the flag from the bottom by the barns. I unexpectedly played that hole quite well today, the men had balls in the surrounding woods after bouncing off that road for the golf carts.

After golf we went home. After lunch Gavin worked for the rest of the day while I took Xena for a long walk, we were out for well over 2 hours looking at the wild flowers and trying to photograph butterflies. I usually see Blues in that area where I walked but have not seen any this year.

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