
By tridral

Llyfrgell - mewn enw yn unig

Llyfrgell - mewn enw yn unig ~ A library - in name only

“Let us read and let us dance - two amusements that will never do any harm to the world.”
― Voltaire

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Es i i'r deintydd eto heddiw.

Yn dilyn yr atgofion o Ddydd Mercher 17eg, roeddwn i'n meddwl fy mod i'n dangos yr hen is-orsaf drydan - y cyfan sydd ar ôl o'r llyfrgell a hen gymuned Gabalfa.

Tynnais i amlygiad dwbl i ddangos yr adeiladu a'r plac sy'n dweud 'Gabalfa Library Substation 51-1742'

Un dydd, bydd pobl yn gofyn 'Ble mae'r llyfrgell?' a bydd rhaid i ni ateb 'Gwnaethon ni ei dymchwel'

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I went to the dentist again today.

Following the memories of Wednesday 17th, I thought I'd show the old electricity substation - all that remains of the library and the old community of Gabalfa.

I took a double exposure to show the building and the plaque that says 'Gabalfa Library Substation 51-1742'

One day, people will ask 'Where's the library?' and we will have to answer 'We demolished it'

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Is-orsaf drydan Llyfrgell Gabalfa a phlac, amlygiad dwbl
Description (English): Gabalfa Library electrical substation and plaque, double exposure

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