
By Tryfan46

Keswick and Derwentwater

The short hop from Scotch Corner to Keswick was completed with far less hassle than yesterday’s drive north.

An enjoyable overnight stay and the Holiday Inn set us up for the day ahead.

We arrived at our friends home just in time for lunch after which we dodged the showers enough to bag Lonscale Fell for another tick on the Wainwright list. The first day of the fells since last September so this short walk was just what we needed. The slopes of the roads and tracks of Kent are no real preparation for the Lakeland fells.

All being well we should tick a good few off over the next 4 days especially as the legs get the message!

An enjoyable evening wrestling with the Sunday Times crossword. Some bursts of inspiration punctuated by long bouts of getting nowhere fast.

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