
By ZE1Christie

Muckle Kokkaloories

A lovely warm and calm day.  Mostly sunny with clouds passing over, and a beautiful sunny clear evening.  Gorgeous pink sunset at 10pm.

Up at 5am, early shift in the airport.  I started on the check-in desk, then moved to oil and gas flights.  Walkies with Sammy after work.  Working in the shop this evening, Holy Moly, it never stopped all night! Off to bed early. 

Hardly a moment to myself today, on the go every moment of the day, feet up tonight would have been great!  I did stop off on my way home for a brief second, the fresh sea air was wonderful and the warmth from the sun.  These muckle kokkaloories (daisies) have been loving the sunshine too.  Taken at Sannik, Sandwick.  

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