
By Grammy

Back in the Good Old Days

We were up early to go to morning Mass. We had a substitute priest; maybe the pastor was on vacation. He gave a great homily on The Good Shepherd. We shopped for a few items and headed home. Hubby took a new route. This old barn begged to be my blip. We were on a windy road with no shoulders. Luckily, no cars came to run me over. My sister and BIL cut down dead sections of trees while we were gone. Hubby and my BIL delivered them to the elderly neighbor for winter. We had a quick lunch and prepared a delicious Sunday dinner: smoked pork tenderloin, sweet potatoes and carrots in the crock pot, steamed kale and cornbread. Otherwise, we’ve had a very quiet day either on our phone or Kindle. Hope your Sunday was just as pleasant. Stay safe. Thanks for visiting.
“I once served a noble purpose.
Now I jut sit empty and idle.
Once I was the pride of the county.
Now I am all but forgotten.
I once stood erect, tall and proud.
Now with the wind I lean to and fro.
I was washed in bright red and trimmed in snow white.
Now I'm bathed in gray's, weathered, torn and beaten.
I once lived in the lives of my wonderful owners. Now I only live on in memories and old faded photographs.
Where my future was once bright, sure and certain. I can but now count my days and dream of times gone by.” - Joseph Estes

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