
By Grammy

The Great Pollinators

We had a pretty laid back day. I spent quite awhile at this bush watching the bees’ antics. They surely were enjoying the pollen/nectar. It was interesting that they seemed to prefer flowers that were a bit spent to the prettier ones. There was no way to count the bees on that small Rose of Sharon bush. I also sat on the back deck trying to get a photo of the hummers vying for the feeder. That same activity was happening by the kitchen window. Those tiny birds are simply too fast for me to get a clear shot. We read when we got tired of bird watching. And then it was time to go to a neighbor’s farm for his surprise 60th birthday party. There were more than 100 folks there to celebrate him. It felt special to be included. The food was amazing and we saw so many friends we’ve made since coming up here. The weather was very cooperative for an outside party. We heard there will be fireworks but I’d prefer to watch them from my sister’s back deck. It’s been fun but I need a nap. Hoping you had a fun day also. Stay safe. Thanks for dropping by. “Even when petals have flaws, all you see is a beautiful flower.” — Adrianne Elizabeth

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