Paint it Black

By PaintItBlack

La belle vie

One of the highest pleasures of our holidays is going to the supermarket. Or in this case, hypermarket. What is such a mundane, depressing task at home is transformed into a wonderful wide-eyed wander in a toy box of delights. There are horse burgers, the fish counter has an artificial rockpool display showcasing live lobsters and crabs, and we are threatened with, well, I'm not sure what, by a security guard for attempting to Blip the 'Grand Bretagne' section, complete with Heinz baked beans (of course), Irn-Bru, Strongbow... and lots of stuff we've never heard of. Back for lunch - simple pleasures: dining outside, eating fruit, eggs, bread, cheese - and what cheese! This is the austere but blissful Tomme de Montagne.

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