
By ZE1Christie

Completing da Concrete

A lovely warm and sunny monring, breezy too.  Cloudy in the afternoon, looks misty south, the odd shower too.  Calmer but still cloudy this evening. 

Up early, headed out walkies after breakfast.  A morning working in the garden.  I headed down to see Laura in the afternoon.  More walkies this evening, mostly lazy on the sofa.  Might try a pint later. 

A busy day bucketing  concrete down to the last phase of the new path.  Heavy work, thankfully that cool breeze was there.  It was slow progress to start with, seemed like the would never come, but all of a sudden, we completed it, finished before lunch.  The hardest part was keeping Sammy away, although some cute paw prints would be a good keepsake.  Peerie Brian smoothing off a section, before more goes down.  Taken in Hawthorn Cottage garden, Houl Road, Scalloway.  

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