
By tridral

Glaw (am newid)

Glaw (am newid) ~ Rain (for a change)

“I don't wish to be misunderstood when I say that you should always expect nothing when you pursue your work: What I mean to say is that you should expect nothing in terms of gratitude or acclamation. You should do the work for the glory of the work, and take the honour of having done good work home with you as the reward. Whatever may come will be glorious, but it should be extraneous and unexpected. If I had to amend that quote, I would say that you should always go into the artistic arena expecting absolutely nothing and giving absolutely everything you have. It sounds sacrificial--penitential, really--but it's the only way you can be assured of being at your best, and the only way you can be assured that you won't be disappointed. Expect nothing. You will have your rewards--I swear to this--but you should never have expected them. Be surprised by your riches. They're sweeter that way.”
― John Gielgud

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Wel, penderfynon ni y baswn ni ddim yn mynd i Hobbycraft heddiw - oherwydd y glaw. Yn lle, penderfynais i weithio yn yr ardd. Roedd llawer o falurion i lawr y llwybr a meddyliais i y byddwn i'w glirio. Roedd rhaid i mi dorri boncyffion (yn barod am y gaeaf 2025), ac yn ysgubo'r llwybr ar ôl. Roedd digon o waith am y dydd. Rydyn ni hefyd yn paratoi am ofalu am y wyrion, felly mae'r llwybr yn fwy diogel heb falurion. Ar ddiwedd fy ngwaith stopiais i i ystyrio'r lilïau ( pa fodd y maent yn tyfu; nid ydynt yn llafurio nac yn nyddu). Gogoneddus.

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Well, we decided we wouldn't go to Hobbycraft today - because of the rain. Instead, I decided to work in the garden. There was a lot of debris down the path and I thought I'd clear it up. I had to cut logs (ready for winter 2025), and sweep the path after. There was enough work for the day. We are also preparing to look after the grandchildren, so the path is safer without debris. At the end of my work I stopped to consider the lilies (how they grow; they do not toil or spin). Glorious.

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Lilïau dydd oren yn y glaw
Description (English): Orange daylilies in the rain

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