
By tridral

Dod o hyd i gysgod

Dod o hyd i gysgod ~ Finding shade

“People have to talk about something just to keep their voice boxes in working order, so they'll have good voice boxes in case there's ever anything really meaningful to say.”
― Kurt Vonnegut, (Cat’s Cradle)

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Roedd heddiw yn ddiwrnod poeth iawn. Roedden ni'n meddwl am seiclo i Hobbycraft, tua saith cilometr i ffwrdd, ond gyda'r tymheredd, roedden ni'n meddwl y bydd e'n well aros gartre. Aethon ni am dro o gwmpas y cae cyfagos. Rhoddodd yr hen goed gysgod i ni. Un dydd bydd coedwig fach yma oherwydd bod y cyngor wedi plannu tri chan coeden. Rydw i'n gobeithio byddan nhw'n tyfu ac yn aeddfedu. Mae'r rhagweld yfory ydy oerach. Efallai yr awn ni i seiclo.

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Today was a very hot day. We were thinking of cycling to Hobbycraft, about seven kilometers away, but with the temperature, we thought it would be better to stay at home. We went for a walk around the nearby field. The old trees gave us shade. One day there will be a small forest here because the council has planted three hundred trees. I hope they grow and mature. The forecast for tomorrow is colder. Maybe we'll go cycling.

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Cae yn yr Eglwys Newydd, coeden, heulwen a chysgod.
Description (English): A field in Whitchurch, a tree, sunshine and shade.

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