
By Grammy

Eastern Tiger Swallowtail

All of my days with minimal sleep finally caught up with me. I briefly woke up at 6:00, took my morning meds, read a minute and fell asleep until 11:30 am. Holy cow! We had the windows open last night and the cross ventilation gave us a cooling breeze; perfect sleeping weather. We had a relaxing day. My sister worked in her flower garden, our BIL found a few outside jobs but hubby and I read or worked puzzles. I found this butterfly during one of my walks with Sugar. My sister has several varieties at the moment. We are heading to Wheeling to listen to 80’s and 90’s songs played by a group called Seven South at an outdoor venue. It should be a relaxing event. Day one has been great! Hope your Friday was nice also. Stay safe. Thanks for visiting. “Open your heart and mind like the wings of a butterfly. See then how high you can fly.” — Zeenat Aman

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