The Pensioner

By Pensioner


Over to finish my little plumbing job on the boat before taking it back to the mooring. And then a small work party to assist in getting Star Tern lifted - AT has spent months getting his insurers to agree to fixing the damage from Storm Babet. It looks pretty superficial but I’m sure once the professionals get onto it it’ll be a costly business.
And then a visit to P&K's. K’s recently had another procedure and just before we arrive to have a chat he receives a call from the consultant. It sounds like he could be facing months of chemo. Poor guy; and the whole thing is just so out the blue. A total scary lottery.
Later we watched Red Island (the object of a PB 5 star review some months ago) - I enjoyed it so much .. before the last third began to drag and then it suffered from a most disjointed ending. And later later we poked our noses into Bodkin on AppleTV which I believe is very close to Skibbereen - if anyone on Blip knows that part of world.

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