
By TonyG


Ruth and I left late. Very late! Jamie was singing in a music competition this evening, his the last class. The plan was to see him sing and leave immediately after. He sang really well. We dialled his mum in to listen from hospital after she was readmitted following complications after a procedure done earlier in the week.

The rest didn’t quite go to plan. A dozen miles up the valley we stopped with Timmy cat very restless and Ruth feeling queasy. This picture about an hour after we stopped shows that Timmy had enjoyed exploring the Cader Idris car park so much that he didn’t want it to end. Needless to say, he wee-ed immediately he was back inside the crate, delaying us further. You really don’t want to know what time we arrived at Ruth’s!

Sleep now. A quick turn around here, I want to be back in Wales ahead of the holiday traffic.

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