This was so exciting! We almost never have deer in our backyard - maybe three times in 40 years. But at 5:00 today Dad was at the kitchen sink and noticed this doe with two fawns munching on my plants! Guess they stopped by for a salad supper of my holly and hosta leaves. I flew upstairs thinking I'd be able to photograph them through the window without a screen, but then I realized the noise from opening the window would send them scattering. So I quickly ran downstairs, out the front door and quietly snuck to the back corner of the house. Luckily I was able to get a couple shots of the mother before she fled. I would have had to go clear around the corner of the house to get where I could see the fawns. They wouldn't have stayed a hot second if I'd tried that. Living in the city we wouldn't expect deer, but with the river nearby I imagine they wandered up through the woods while walking along the river's edge.

Until 5:00, I was afraid this was going to be a lame day in 'blipland' for me. Our walk today was on the river trail at Grand Woods Park. I thought there'd be lots of birds or perhaps a turtle on a log - something. But no, that was a bust, although the walk was wonderful! In our yard I took pictures of a very tiny frog. He wasn't more than a half inch long, if that - he must have been very new. Also took a couple shots of flowers, but neither was really worth blipping. Then - woohoo - the little deer family arrived to save the day!

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