Living my dream

By Mima

Late afternoon walk

This is the road home from our later-than-usual walk today. 

It was miserable earlier on; and while we did walk, it was relatively brief and brisk. See the extra from Cape Wanbrow. It wasn't conducive to loitering to enjoy bunnies or misty views.

So it was wonderful to see the sun come out at 3 o'clock. I finished off some cooking and we hastened out of the gate to make the most of it.

I saw Nicola the physiotherapist this morning. She is delighted with my progress. I had a few extra observations / symptoms for her, from which she feels she is able to pinpoint the exact vertebrae - or more likely disc - which is causing me problems. She leapt to her feet as we discussed it and fetched an articulated spine and pelvis (real bone - what a great way for a bit of a body to be used for posterity) so that she could show me precisely what's what. I was fascinated (doctor's daughter through and through).

I have an MRI next week and we are now both on tenterhooks to see if it confirms Nicola's diagnosis. In the meantime I will continue to gradually increase my activity levels, whilst listening to my body at all times.

I accidentally saw "that" photo of the Orange Menace today. I rolled my eyes and wondered at the hubris of mankind (particularly that kind of man). It sums up everything I consider vile. 

Nuff said... I have more important things to occupy my mind. Like what's for supper? And what's on the agenda tomorrow? And which audiobook shall I listen to next? And how is my sister-in-law today?

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