Plus ça change...

By SooB

Long day. Not over.

After an exhausting but excellent week in London, off home tonight.

Checked out of our AirBnB with Mr B off on the train to Edinburgh, and me to the office.

Crazy conversation with another client - where she became extremely emotional. I will stick with emails now I think.

The office was as ever, though I am getting better at actually working. It’s easy when I’m at home, but the open plan office is a magical world of distractions! Always good to catch up on the gossip and get some face time with the folk who pay my invoices. Let’s hope I didn’t say anything daft.

Multiple queuing at the airport since I foolishly bought too many liquids to be just hand luggage. And I had to queue again for a document check. Required by the French Government, apparently, but Heathrow is the only airport that does it.

And once my delayed flight is sorted, off home for scant sleep and then see how CarbBoy has managed on his own. He seems to have a very serious sunburn, which is clearly my fault for abandoning him!

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