
By MikePoole

The Scarab Beetle

While trying to find the residents from last night Blip for Rex!I discovered this rather Bright Green Beetle clambering around the leaves of my Pond Lily.It had obviously 'Crash Landed' and was unable to take off again?
It was in the process of creating bubbles to build a raft so that it could get off the leaf. Feeling sorry for it and wanting a good shot for my Blip,I decided to come to it's rescue. After taking my photographs I picked it up in a small net and placed it somewhere safe to dry out.Within minutes the Evening Sun had dried it out and off it went into the 'Sunset'.

Sorry I couldn't find the SMALL Beetles from last night's Geranium Rex.Hope this BIGGY makes up for it?

Nikon D800 + Tamron 90 mm Macro lens + Ring Flash 1/60 sec@f11 ISO100 and Spot metered.

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